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Working with Terraform lists, tuples, and sets

February, 2023

Create them, cast them, and iterate.

You probably shouldn't be using Kubernetes Secrets.

13th November, 2021

How to get confidential information into your container the right way.

AWS-Vault, managing AWS credentials (minus cleartext).

11th November, 2021

Learn how to use aws-vault, and reasons why you should.

Getting Risk Management Running on Your Coffee Break

5th February, 2021

In this post we'll be using SimpleRisk a risk management and compliance tool. This tool tracks your assets, establishes a history of...

Explore Gatsby Static Site Generation

10th November, 2020

Generating a site for a tech firm is an interesting thing. On one hand, the public storefront of a company should be well polished and straight forward...

When to Consider Multiple AWS Accounts

3rd November, 2020

So recently I was asked when an organization should consider using multiple accounts within AWS, and I wanted to give a synthesis...